Channeled Love Notes: Blue Blood Super Moon Lunar Eclipse

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Going into this Super Blue Blood Lunar Eclipse like...
Wishing you expansive introspection,
Gentle shedding,
Infinite growth,
Nurturing self love,
And thoughtful manifestation.
Check in with y'all after this portal to share some • M A J O R • A N N O U N C E M E N T S • 
For now, live in this moment. Feel into this Lunar portal. Taste it's essence. Shed the critical concepts of the ego and embrace the Divine Feminine energy within you to FEEL this one out. It's okay to not have it all figured out, we don't have to intellectualize everything. Drop what you think you are, what you think you should be, step out of the mirage and just • BE •. Allow yourself to be supported, even if you have to ask for help. You aren't alone on this journey so stop building walls around your heart. Step into the fire and allow the truth to RISE. You are worthy of love, of prosperity, of happiness. You can invent, reinvent, and let yourself die over and over again, You Are The Phoenix. Live in honest alignment with your highest self not your current circumstances (BIG ONE). If you can't serve yourself in this way how can you serve the collective good? Vibrate in bliss love beings.

Love you.


Koa Mikaelah